Galapagos National Park Entry Tax

Park rangers at the airports of Baltra and San Cristóbal charge an entry tax to protected areas.

Each visitor pays a Galapagos National Park Entrance Fee, which is divided among several local and national institutions to support sustainable human development.

In general, revenues generated by recreational and tourism activities that take place in protected areas, are derived from three avenues: (a) payment of an admission or entry fee, (b) payment of permits, licenses or rights of tourism operations, and (c) resources produced by service concessions or permits for certain activities.

The admission or entry fees are established with the objective of recovering the investment costs required to carry out conservation and management activities in protected areas, or to generate additional income for human development activities in the surrounding areas.

The Directorate of the Galapagos National Park is the institution responsible for administering the process of tax collection for entry of tourists into Galapagos, control of daily deposits, daily settlements, management of species data banks valued by each species, make monthly payments and delivery of the tax to each of the beneficiaries in Compliance with the Organic Law for Sustainable Development of the Province of Galapagos and its implementing regulation.

Funds from the entry tax are used to finance the conservation of biodiversity of flora and fauna, terrestrial and marine, and benefit the local community by improving basic services, education projects, sports, health, environmental sanitation, environmental services and services directly related to tourists

Galapagos National Park fees:

Foreign tourists, non-residents of Ecuador over 12 yearsUS$100
Foreign tourists, non-residents of Ecuador under 12 yearsUS$50
Foreign tourists non-residents of Ecuador over 12 years,
nationals of one of the countries belonging to the Andean Community of Nations or Mercosur
Foreign tourists non-residents of Ecuador under 12 years,
nationals of one of the countries belonging to the Andean Community of Nations or Mercosur
Tourists and foreign nationals residing in Ecuador, over 12 yearsUS$6
Tourists and foreign nationals residing in Ecuador, under 12 yearsUS$3
Tourists, students not living in Ecuador who are enrolled in national educational institutionsUS$25

NOTE: Domestic and foreign tourists under 2 years of age are exempt from this tax.

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